I am still struggling with the stack and whack present blocks. No two are the same size but I guess they could be trimmed. Just hate to waste that pretty fabric. I at least made the second set centered in the middle of the fat quarters.
The next project I worked on for two days was piecing a back for my general wives quilt top which is 100 by 100. I had seven yards of a perfect fabric and leftovers from the BOM kits. I thought I could make a 20 inch block with Log Cabin pattern using the leftovers. Well of course my LC ruler was for 2 inch strips and I got tired and ran out of different strips so I thought and thought and came up with this design for a piece to go in between the two three yard pieces of backing. I think it will look great.
In the back of the panel you can barely see some of the 12 paperpieced blocks for the borders of the Japanese Fan quilt I am also trying to work on. I can only take so much of that. It is beautiful when done but kind of boring. Like quilt by numbers.
I never leave C's house empty handed and after traipsing all over southern wake county I came home with fabric, wool, cookies and these. Anyone besides C know what this is???
Finally, the guild in Goldsboro is having a silent auction at the meeting on Thursday night November 29 at 7pm at St. Stephen's Episcopal church on James street. Entrance is in the back. Come get some bargains. You never know what you might find.
Thankful Quilting