Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve

Such a busy time is the 13th month.  With a shopping spree on Saturday to shops having sales I was able to increase my stash of limey greens and black and whites substantially for the mystery quilt as well as future needs for those fabrics.  I am now ready to do the sewing after catching up on cutting the 145 green 3.5 inch squares and the 2'by 3.5" b/w pieces from whenever.  I have 32 more double bricks to make and have finished 40 of the 60 gray and b/w four patches I had left to do for clue #1.

oh yes and the 17 squares cut into quarter triangles!!! Sew much fun!
Don't know if I will get the triangles made tonight. 

Our church was so pretty for Christmas.  Here are some pictures from Sunday.

I have a friend who says if you have to decorate your house in a hurry for Christmas just mass up Poinsettias.  It certainly works here.

Hope you have a wonderful New Year.
Cheerful Sewing

Friday, December 28, 2012

guild party

Our guild had the December "Christmas Party" this year on the 27th to try to avoid the rush and bustle of getting stuff done before Christmas Day.  The decorations were beautiful, the food good and I think it was fun.  Now to look forward to what the next year can bring.
The clue #6 for today made me look at step 2 after BH said we were not using the rectangles from step 2 and I did not have b/w rectangles from step 2.  Now I will have to go back and cut those.
When she says if you want something else to do.. I kind of fade away because it is enough to make 64 or 128 of something. 
Am looking forward to the block and how the pattern evolves from all we have done. I am sure I don't have enough of the greens as I don't do green.  I guess this means more shopping.  If that is what I have to do ......

Here is a quilt I finished for my neighbor who is such a good friend and helps me out whenever I call upon him.  I will never repay him but hope he likes this quilt.  I had to put a picture of Cecil on the label because his girls' quilts have Cecil on the back. 

I really like this pattern.  Not so sure I like the lights in the 16 patches.  I do however adore the border fabric.  I would not have thought I would pick it out but it is so rich with the colors in the quilt.
The back is red with gold stars.

These are ornaments I made from Melanie's downsized  pattern for paperpiecing.  There is a pocket in the back for a mint.  We each made 15 for guild members for the Christmas Party.  It is fun and this is the third year we have made ornaments.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and will enjoy a safe and fun New Year's.  I know I will because I am looking for lime green and black and white fabrics!!!
Joyous Quilting.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Pointy things

Here are the 64 "pointy things" for clue #5.
Yes they are on my ironing board and I had to stand on a stool to take a picture of them all.
I liked the hint of sewing just a thread to the right of the diagonal line.
I think it is easier to do that than to sew on the line!!
Christmas eve sewing.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Stuffed Santa

Well when my bee from Wake county came last thursday we were on a mission to make a stuffed santa from a pattern by someone who does not give good directions.  Pat had been making one santa nearly every year until recently so she was the resident expert.  Hers turned out so pleasant looking and mine...... well you can see for your self.

Keep in mind I still have to stitch on the arms and a bell onto the hat. I did trim the beard a little.  His eyes are a little scary but I find I like him.  He now is placed on the hearth.  My tree looks drunk.  I finally got tired of glop;ping on glue and sticking on yarn for his hair, mustache and beard and I stitched across the ends of yarn pieces and glued the whole thing at one time.

Santa found himself outside and is not sure why.  You never know where he will show up.  I was just trying to get good light to take a picture.  The house in the door is just a reflection of the one across the street from me.
Now on to cutting more squares for Clue #5 in BH mystery quilt.
Merry Quilting

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I really do love these colors and with the rulers I can make better flying geese.  I made the 64 sets of purple and turquoise geese Saturday at Bee. 
I was playing catch up and still have more of these.
Again the rulers help keep these accurate.
 Merry Quilting
Easy Street Monday Linky

Saturday, December 8, 2012

How to get into trouble quickly....

I just do not know where November went.  And now December is nearly one-third gone.  With trying to get Christmas quilting done and shopping there just is not enough time in the day.

Members of our guild went to the Day of Sharing in Greenville today.  The ladies there are so gracious and the food and fellowship were superb.  Afterword we had to head to JoAnn;s as it is the closest one to a lot of our members.  No matter how many times you tell yourself that you don't care how cute that fabric is you don't need any you still walk out of there with more fabric.  I can't help that the fleece was on sale and in a beautiful Christmas pattern.  I got a yard to give to a friend who has an older lab named Sadie who is having hip problems.  I hope it will keep her warm. 
Not that you would need a blanket today in Eastern North Carolina.  Sometimes I just don't know what to wear if I am going to be gone all day.

Here is my cecil with his blue mouse mouse.  I have had to put mousemouse in pre-op so many times until he could have surgery.  Cecil doesn't tear up his toys but he loves to mash the squeaker and this wears holes in them.  This one is 5 or 6 years old.  Cecil is also in MY chair.

Here is where the trouble comes:

The first picture is of 130 four-patches for Bonnie Hunter's new mystery quilt.  I know- I still have 62 more to make!!!
Then came the flying geese.  I usually make them with a large square and smaller squares but as I had cut 2" strips and was dying to learn to use the companion ruler and angle ruler here I went.  Well they are all made and I have cut out everything for the 3rd step using purple, black and white and turquoise.  I have heard so much about BH quilts and wanted to try one.  Also the colors in this one are my favorites.  Maybe I will have enough sense left when I finish to drive to the quilters.
I have to do all the trimming of ears etc but at least I am on the way.
Merry quilting