This is all 80 of Clue #4 units. It is mostly perseverance and a strong back to do all the cutting.
I am doing everything scrappy even the yellows. Have 66/100 of clue #1, Half of Clue #2 and over half of Clue #3. Going to work on finishing them today and tomorrow.
This is the top for Harriet's Sampler which I did as a BOM ( I know I said no more but I really liked the store sample just did not realize how small some of the pieces were) for 2014. This year will be no BOM. I am committed to finishing all the ones I have started and to do two quilts that have been in the queue for a year.
I have had the border material for a while and really like how it looks with the fabrics in the blocks.
The inner border is dark brown which is homage to all the brown in the blocks. The border is wild because the quilt is not.
Cold, windy and rainy quilting.