Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Spring has been so beautiful this year. The pansies have weathered the cold and my clematis let me arrange it around some support to get it off the ground. I just live the two colors together.


And my rhododendron  (thank goodness for auto correct on hard words) is blooming again after early buds were caught in the last morning frost/freeze.
I want to keep these days longer with the cool mornings and warm evenings because I know summer is coming.
I want to get some quilts finished so... yes so I can start some new ones. Well that is why we buy fabric. Ordered some of the new chipper collection from Tula Pink and it is gorgeous.
Pink and purple quilting

Friday, April 15, 2016

Third one

This is the third quilt made from squares from the "good fortune" jelly roll.
Now to get these quilted.
Windy quilting.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Before the freeze

The azaleas were so beautiful. I am sorry the freeze cut short their time of blooming.
Flowering quilting.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

4 rows done

I decided to make 5 of the row by row patterns from last year to use as a summer hanging quilt. I just finished the 5th one but don't like the elephant one with the others so I will have to make up one. I have enjoyed doing the kits.
Just got some of tula pinks new line "chipper" and it is beautiful. The stripes are soft but colorful  and the flame pattern in purples is stunning. Quilt home had a 20%off until yestetday.  Now to find a pattern.
Windy quilting.

Friday, April 1, 2016

After Easter quiet time

There is no better time to be alive than experiencing Easter and Spring in the same week.  With the beautiful weather the flowering trees and bushes make everything beautiful.  I have a loropetalum bush in front of my sewing room window and it looks like a pink angora sweater on steroids.  The big five (azalea, camellia, gardenia, crape myrtle, and dogwood) have three of them blooming in the bed in the front yard and I even have a few marshmallow blooms on my japanese cherry tree.  The weather has just cooperated so well.
Yesterday worked on trimming half-square triangles for "Cotton Candy" quilt by Bonnie Hunter.  I have a few more string blocks to do then can begin putting the block together. Oh boy pinks, purples, and creams.  Pretty pretty.

The first picture is of the tulips in the new garth at church.  They were splendid. The next is the dogwood in front of the church.  The last is the tulip tree in my neighbor's yard.
All glorious.
Flowering quilting.