Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Post Easter

I know it is not right to say but I am glad to settle down to everyday life after Easter.  It was so
crazy but rewarding.  I had only been to one Saturday night vigil service and that was at a Coptic
Church in Egypt.  The men and women were on separate sides of the church, everyone was dressed
for Easter.  The Bishop? was there and the men and boys lined up to pay their respects.  The lights went out and when they came back on there was a boom and everyone stood and sang.  It was impressive.  The service here was so beautiful with everyone holding candles and then the altar
was set for communion and the lights came on for the rest of the celebration.
I have been making tops for neonatal quilts the guild gives to the hospital here.  Also trying to
finish up some other donation quilt tops and one large top

Some pictures I took after the Sunday service at St. Paul's in Wilmington.  The music was un-
believable and so many people.
Off to get a foxtail fern and another firecracker fern.  Yea.
Sunny quilting and gardening.