Saturday, December 28, 2019

Post Christmas

What a week! I know everyone has a lot going on this time of year but really.  I think I can finally
breathe today.  Yesterday was recovery.  Today is coming out of a fog and looking forward to the
new year.  But first some pics from this past week.
La Vonne and me at Peter and Lilys for Christmas Day Brunch of Strawberry Crepes

My younger nephew's wife Joy and me

My sister-in-law LaVonne and her daughter-in-law Lily and LaVonne and Win's for Christmas night dinner

My Nephew Luke, LV and brother Win

Luke's wife Joy, Bambi sister to Lily

Joy and Luke

LV, Bambi, me in our Walmart cozies and Mason Lily and Pete's Aussie-Doodle

LV and son Peter Donat

We had drinks and apps at my house with Luke and Joy as hosts for a wonderful start to our festivities then piled into cars for the 8pm choir concert and Eucharist service at St Pauls downtown 
in Wilmington.  It was a wonderful Christmas.
On Boxing day I drove to Wilson to visit my brother-in-law and his large family.  This is his grandson Henry in the state jammies and his younger grandson Dallas.
Well the others from that day will have to wait.
Enjoy the 13th month and rest up for new year.
Celebrating quilting.

This is baby Edward Kemp Pope and his great Aunt Sally.

this is his brother Dallas and his new etch a sketch.
So good to be with them.
Sally Out.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

It is nearly Christmas!!!

I don't know why it is always a surprise that Christmas is so close.  It is not as if we have not been
bombarded with this information since July but it still seems to have sneaked up on me.
Our altar guild team has December 22 which also means we have the week following.  I really enjoy
this service to the church and like my team. 
Some catching up since mid November without all the medical stuff.
This is a gift from Lily who gathers the greens and with her handy wreath maker is able to make this beautiful green wreath.  I just have to add the extras.

I have so much Kaffe material and I saw this pattern on MSQC.  The circles are so easy to do
with Jenny's instruction.  I have never been able to make such smooth curves before.
We attended the Airlee Gardens light show again this year and under threat of rain walked around
to see all the displays.  It was misty but no rain and crowded.

Cecil is thinking about what he wants for Christmas.  Or maybe just when he will get his treat.

Pete and Lily helped me get this tree and set it up.  Pete who is 6ft 3in had to stand on a ladder
to put on the angel.  Either the tree leans left or I was leaning left!
I hope the weather stays seasonally cool and everyone stays safe and I can keep up with BH mystery.
Merry Christmas