Saturday, March 25, 2023

Mud Puppy

 Well that was so much fun I thought I would post again.

My niece Joy invited my puppy Dex and me to sit on her porch this beautiful Thursday afternoon.

We could solve the worlds problems and Dex could play with his "cousins, once removed" in the 

fenced in back yard.  There was fencing on three sides and a bulk head on the fourth for the 

canal leading to the intercoastal. Well we were talking and I missed Dexter.  The others, girls, were in

the house.  Panicked we went up and down the street calling for him.  A neighbor hollered that she 

saw him in the mud.  Did I mention it was low low tide and sure enough somehow Dexter had found 

his way into that low tide mud and was stuck up to his tail. Joy got on the dock and managed to snag his

collar and drag him onto the dock.  Did I mention she was wearing bright yellow jeans?

I fetched towels, we wrapped him up dripping mud everywhere and Joy put him into the bathtub which

had just been cleaned that morning. Mud flew every where but finally after a half bottle of Dawn he

was clean and she was not. I cannot thank her enough for doing that. I probably would have strangled 

him in the process but he was so scared I felt sorry for him. Before and after pictures.

Some of my latest quilts follow:
The above is the inside of the Seed Packet quilt by Kaffee.  I have the outside rows on except for the bottom which is half done.  

This is a baby quilt which I loved making.  Simple but sweet. Love the loud border.

This is a quilt I made for my friend Zona.  I used mostly, except for 2 or 3 strips of Tula, Kaffe fabrics.

I have made others but this is enough right now.

Did some cleaning of beds this am and potting some seeds that had sprouted into little peat pots for our

Plant exchange in May at church.
Grow your quilting.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


I am not sure if I can even remember how to do this.  It has been nearly 2 yrears since the last posting

and I dont know if I can retrieve pictures.  C and P and I restarted our bi-weekly visits to quilt 

with each other maybe a year ago.  We have missed the fellowship and inspiration we get 

from seeing each other's work.

The first pic is Dexter my cavapoo at 1 year at the St Francis and animals service at St Pauls

this Pic is of a Brugmansia I had planted from seeds the year before.  

This is my Brother-in-law's granddaughter, Ruby Lee, named for his mother.

This is me with Zona a friend from church.

LaVonne, me, and Pete her son

LaVonne and me at Pete and Lilys house

I made 3 of these quilts and could make 3 more.  Just love them.

I guess that is enough for ;now.  Just wanted to start this again.  My new computer and updates to blogging have made this easier.

Spring is on the way.  I hope most of the pollen is gone and I can get the huge outside plants out of my living room.

Sunny quilting.