I can hardly believe that Easter Sunday has come and gone. The service was glorious and made even better by the weather. As dreary as it began the day finished with a beautiful afternoon. Lunch prepared for 14 by J and L was fantastic and fun for all. With the Masters Golf tournament to watch even the men were entertained. Dexter was home resting because the possibility of wet weather and 6 dogs running in and out was a little too much to handle.
Had a wonderful day Thursday in Wendell with P and C quilting and talking and eating. I had finished the string quilt with leftover Kaffe fabrics from the Seed Packet quilt that I turned over to the quilter on Wednesday. I left there to go home let Dexter out grab a bite to eat and get to Maundy Thursday service at St. Pauls.
Some Gerbers to brighten up the front bed.
Have been working in yard to get flowers planted. At least I did not have to worry about watering!!!
Hoppy Quilting.