Saturday, October 3, 2015


I have not really minded the cooler rainy days except for the mayhem the soggy ground is causing and the traffic problems.  Having to stay in is like throwing that rabbit into the briar patch.
I had to replace my Samsung Note 3 and the worst thing is getting all the phone numbers etc in addition to losing all my pictures of Africa.  Also the replacement does not have capacity for sending pictures to my email as well as the camera is not as good.  Oh well.

I really like this picture from my back yard last fall.  Not sure if there will be color since so many leaves fell with rain.  I am worried about some of my trees.  Will try to get in touch with Mr. Custer.

Just love the looks of this quilt.  Maybe Pat can help me with the pattern for the setting blocks.  

Will try to keep this up better.  Cousin Art comes next weekend, we have bee to make up all the BOM patriotic quilts from the year on Saturday.  Busy time of year.
Rainy day quilting.