Tuesday, April 18, 2017


As I finished the last seam on this quilt top I had several thoughts, some of which I cannot share!
When I finished the last stitch and pressings I knew I had made a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt. Not only a pieced sashing but also a pieced border. I have not had time to count the pieces in it and I only made 12 of 16 blocks.

I think I will name it Easter because of finishing it on Easter monday and the colors: purple for lent, Red for Palm
Sunday, yellow for Easter sunrise service , green for all the grass in Easter baskets and white for the hangings during Easter season.

I say at this time each year I will not do it next year and I get caught up in it at thanksgiving. We will see.

Now on to straits of macinac!
Cooler quilting.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

So many moving parts.

Well it is half done. What a bear! I have vowed to finish putting it together before working on anything else.  I am only making 12 blocks. Square quilts make me crazy. I do like it but jimminy cricket what a chore.
I know, what else do I have to do its only holy week! St hildas guild worked hard last night digging up spent tulips. And the bulbs must have been planted in china. Then we planted 36 pink geraniums but it looks nice and will stay nice through the summer.
Oh well might as well put on another row!
Bonnie quilting.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Around the corner..

This is a corner block with sashing and borders of Bonnie Hunters mystery quilt.
It contains more than 200 pieces!!! And yes we must be crazy.
Happy quilting.

Old but still beautiful.

This is one of several dogwood trees at our church. I love the character in the twisted limbs.

Palm crosses

We had about 10 people making palm crosses for tomorrow at st. Stephens this morning. Then I decorated altar with fan palms and Judy helped put palm branches on front doors. It is a busy time.


Only got 24 bales out. Had to stop. Now for shower, nap and golf tournament watching.