Friday, December 30, 2016


Kind of went overboard this year with such beautiful Christmas fabric. I made several of these.  Like the way the middle fabric forms kind of a ring.

Church for Christmas

We went with red this year. It was a lovely site on Christmas eve. I will have to find out how to post more than one pic from my phone at a time.

Party too much

After his first encounter with my brother's cat, he is resting up. It did not go well for him. They decided to agree to disagree.

posting post Christmas

I love the Christmas season but am not sad to see the busi-ness over and followed by a quiet time.
This used to be the time for all the sales -13th month they used to call it.  Mother would give us money for Christmas and we would travel from Holly Springs to Raleigh to shop the sales and buy clothes.  I still remember a blue cloth suede vest and skirt I got that I loved.  Probably wore it too long after I should have and had a hard time giving it up.  Probably because it reminded me of the fun we had shopping.
Getting rid of things now is not as difficult.  I have been slowly purging my closets and will do more in the new year.  It is amazing what you have time for when you are retired.  I love January and
February for being time to reflect, regroup and reorganize.
Christmas was a good family time and that is good.

Win and LaVonne have sold their place at Hatteras.  It was a difficult decision but the right one for them.  Both boys live and will probably always live in Wilmington and it was getting to be unmanagable.  It was a lovely cottage and at the end of Hatteras, it was in a good location. We will 
all miss it.  I know the people who bought it will get a lot of joy being there. We did.
Now to get ready for a New Years Day mystery quilt workshop.  Beats watching football!!!
Thoughtful quilting.