Saturday, September 30, 2017

Dawn's Early light etc

This is finished and at the quilters. Not many more big quilts left in me!!
I did add an outside blue border to match the inside one. Thanks to c and p for ideas about the pieced border. It is 87 by 105. I do like them to go over the pillows.
Hate messing with throwing shamed pillows off the bed when I toddle off to sleep.
Fall is finally here. Love this cool morning.
Have to walk some before it gets warm.
There is a let down after finishing a big quilt, so I just cleaned up some of the sewing mess.
Now to begin something new.
Cool quilting.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tree cutting

Cecil and I worked hard to cut down this 25.5 inch in diameter  oak. I hated to have it cut but it was leaning at a 75 degree angle. Then two more scrub trees downed in front yard. Sure will let in light.
Irma quilting.

9 of 20 blocks.

I like this arrangement best. Only 11 more blocks to put together and finish pieced border.
Hope to get it finished this weekend.
Rainy quilting