Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Another day in weather paradise

I am really enjoying this beautiful weather.  Back is better but still trying to take it easy. I need to be in good shape for two trips later this month.  I did not get up early enough to see the eclipse of the moon.  Cecil decided to sleep in and did not wake me until 7:30am and that is after a nap yesterday afternoon.  Did get binding done on veteran's quilt for undercover quilters bee.  Also got binding done for guild challenge.  Have started on putting Bento Boxes together but not sure if I want a border or borders.
Here is the donation quilt.
Did not even realize how it would look and should have done sashing rows for top and left side.  Oh well.
So tired of all the campaign ads.  I think there is a point at which people seeing the same add 20 times in one day will say enough and will not vote for that person.  I have watched the debates although the first between Tillis and Hagan was just a repeat of all their ads.  The Aiken- Elmers debate at least was interesting and both seemed to have knowledge about issues.  The second Tillis-Hagan debate was an improvement but I also don't want to hear 96% again either.
The good thing is we have less than a month to go until it stops.
Happy cloudy quilting.

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