Monday, January 28, 2013


I don't know why anyone is surprised by the weather unless they have not lived in NC very long.  As we are geographically and meteorlogically situated with the jet stream cutting across us every other day it is anyone's guess what we get day to day.  I know this is not science friday but there it is.  I love the cold but I love all the seasons when they are supposed to happen!!! The cold gives me the excuse to stay home and quilt.

It has been a sad time with loss of loved ones from different friends' families.  Sometimes it overwhelms me and I miss B all over again.

On a lighter note:
I saw this in ME's shop Saturday and of course loved it.  She informed me that it was in a book I had bought from her.  Now that is why you shop your local fabric shop.  Anyway I went home and made the center of the top but can't decide ( which is unusual for me) on the border.  One is too dark the other is too busy.  I am anxious to finish but will wait to go back to shop tomorrow after the Y to find a different red.  Here are the choices.

Don't know if you can tell but the top is a Henry Glass marble and the bottom is a paisley.  I thought it would do because it would pull the different shirtings from the hearts but it is too strong.
Anyway  hope to finish on wednesday.
Now to more blocks for the BH mystery.  Have finished the setting triangles and corner triangles only 9 more blocks to go.
Then the borders!!!! Think I will put a roast in the slow cooker first then I don't have to stop to fix supper.
Chilly quilting.

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